Thursday, January 22, 2009

my writing metaphor

To me, writing is like fighting with someone important to me. I feel very scatterbrained and cannot seem to get the words form my brain to my mouth. The words come out strange, awkward and with meanings not intended. I know that I muist be very careful of what I say and yet many times, the things I say, I wish I could change.

Fighting with someone important to me is frustrating and I am impatient for it to end. Yet sometimes I am impatient to finish it and tend to drag it out. But when it is over I feel the same sense of relief and often times accomplishment because I now have a better understanding and a stronger connection with the person who I have fought with.


This may seem like a strange metaphor, and maybe I did not express it right, but it mades sense in my head. When it comes to writing I am usually very scatterbrained and frustrated, having difficulty connecting my thoughts. Althogh the process of writing it may be long, when I finish a paper I always feel a great sense of relief.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie!

    I struggle with my writing as well. I really enjoyed you're fighting metaphor. Usually after I fight with someone close to me I feel relieved that I let my frustrations out. I think that relief with a capital "R" is the emotion that I feel after finishing a paper as well.

